A Take on Blogging

As I am typing this, I think it is worthy to mention that I have already rephrased this sentence for more than three times now, smashing my backspace key in the process. I kept on trying to find the right words that would express everything in my mind, to no avail. My mind seems to be in a fit, in a jumble. I can’t stop to focus on just one thing, because numerous ideas occupy my thoughts all the time. So I thought, it’s about time for me to finally check if my coherence is still intact, if I’m still capable of focusing my mind on just one, sole important task at hand. And for me, that would be blogging.

I think it’s also noteworthy that I’ve tried my hand at blogging for nearly three times, shifting from blogspot, to wordpress. In the end, it’s either I can’t find anything to write about, or I can’t remember my password. I don’t know what made me make a blog, all I know is that I feel like I’m missing out. Not missing out in the sense of blogging being an IT thing, nor is it just peer pressure. I think by reading my friends’ blogs, I realized I can do something , in my own weird Faye-way, make an impact.

That’s what Bro. Eli Soriano, my favorite blogger and, by the words of a friend, much-loved evangelist does. I’ve been constantly following his blog for some time now, and I have learned a lot. From science, to history, to making friendships and to education. Everything can be viewed from a Biblical viewpoint, and Bro. Eli proves that the Bible clearly has everything.

So for now, here’s my take on my first ever entry. I’ve now stopped my idea of thinking blogging was a waste of time, for no one would probably take interest in my ramblings, whines and thoughts. Blogging, in one way or another, is to make an impact. Maybe not to others right now, but to yourself, as the blogger. Maybe by reading your thoughts in print you can find a different you, and find the self-actualization you’re looking for.

And right now, as it is nearing 12:51 am, I bid you all a goodmorning.

Je t’embrace,
